Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Local Delicacies In Kuala Lumpur

I reached Kuala Lumpur quite late in the evening, and immediately went to meet up with my friends who brought me to Port Klang for a late seafood dinner. I was so hungry that I ate everything I saw. There were cereal prawns, black pepper crabs, fish, vegetables and claypot bean curd. It was a really good meal!

Cereal Prawn

The half-eaten meal


Claypot bean curd
The next morning, after having breakfast at my guesthouse, I met Julie where she brought me out for the day. We had lunch at a cafe at Pavilion, walked around more, had a break, then went to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner.

Breakfast of toast, fried noodles, fruit and tea

My lunch of Penang Kway Teow

Julie's lunch which I cannot remember the name

We had a break of beef noodles at a coffee shop opposite Chinatown

Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe

My Chicken Macaroni and Cheese

Julie's fajitas

The next morning was my last day in Malaysia. After another full breakfast, I went to the pick up point to wait for the bus back home. And this concludes my Malaysian food journey!

Breakfast of toast, scrambled egg, fruit and tea

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