Monday, July 23, 2012

Local Delicacies In Miri

For the past two weeks or thereabouts, I was away in Sarawak, with a short stint in Kuala Lumpur. Besides vacationing, I was introduced to all the delicious food in these places! For the next few posts, I will be introducing the food I partook in Miri, Kuching, Mulu and Kuala Lumpur, since I had the priviledged of being taken around by locals, hence introduced to all the best food!

My first night in Miri, I was taken to a local coffeeshop (not unlike our coffeeshop here except theirs looked like twenty years back in time), and we had a great meal of local vegetables, meat, rice, and herbal tea in two beer bottles. The food is delicious, and the vegetables tasted really fresh!
Herbal tea in beer bottles

One of the local vegetable dishes

Another local vegetable dish

One of the meat dishes

Another meat dish
That first night, I went back to my accommodation full and satisfied! The following morning, I was brought to a local coffee shop for some "comfort food", including Sarawak laksa and ko lok mee. However, the ko lok mee does not seem to taste as nice as I remember.

Sarawak Laksa

Ko Lok Mee
That night, the whole lot of us went to Tanjung Seafood Restaurant opposite the Marriott Miri for dinner. The meal consists of local specialties, especially flying foxes, ie bats.

1st dish - egg with bean curd and condiments

Braised meat

Pork Rib Soup

Fish Head curry

Local vegetables (cooked with sambal)

Mixed vegetables

These are flying foxes, ie bats.

Another meat dish
Miri has lots of unique cuisines which I would otherwise not have tasted. The third night, we had a buffet dinner at Marriott hotel itself. The buffet spread is really sumptuous, including cakes, desserts, fruit, drinks, local delicacies and Western delicacies.


This is a unique fruit, which I do not seem to find anywhere else.

What the fruit looks like when peeled

The fourth day, after breakfast at the hotel, we went to a local shopping mall to wander around and have lunch. The food court in the shopping mall reminds me of our own old department store. I bought a plate of mixed rice with sambal kangkong, anchovies and two kinds of chicken wings.

My lunch
That night, we went to a local restaurant called The Kampong Place for dinner, and had a feast of ko lok mee, curry, chicken rice and ayam penyet.

Claypot Rice


Chicken Rice

Ayam Penyet

Ko Lok Mee
On the fifth day, I had the breakfast spread again. The buffet breakfast consisted of cereal, fruit and American breakfast spread.

Waffles and Pancakes

Roti Prata
I was then brought out to lunch at another local coffee shop, this time for curry mixed rice, which is the most delicious I have ever taken!

We then started wandering around Miri, stopping for a break at Kentucky's. The KFC at Miri has a more crispy flavour than that back home.

That night, we went to a beach shack for dinner. I love this place, cosy, by the sea, and the food is delicious!

1st dish - variety of satay

2nd dish - sambal sting ray

3rd dish - Fried chicken wings

4th dish - Ladies' fingers

5th dish - Local vegetables

6th dish - Fish Head curry

7th dish - some meat

8th dish - Clams
It was another very satisfying meal! The following day, I was brought out for lunch at a local cafe, where we had buttered toast, steak, macaroni and cheese, fried noodles, vermicelli and fried rice.

Buttered Toast


Fried Noodles

Macaroni and Cheese


Fried Rice

Special Pink Drink
On my second last day in Miri, I moved into Parkcity Everly Hotel, next to the Marriott Miri. Beacuse I was late for breakfast on the first morning, the buffet spread had been cleared. Nevertheless, the staff kindly prepared the breakfast just for me. And it was a very good spread of bread, croissant, chicken bacon, sausage and omelette!

My breakfast at Parkcity Everly Hotel

A giant burger for snack
On my last day in Miri, I ate my last breakfast before going to the airport to catch the plane. This time round because I was early, I was able to have the breakfast spread. It was a sumptuous spread consisting of local and Western fare.

For this, I conclude my eating adventures in Miri! On to the next destination!

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